Arquivo da categoria: Edtech501

EDTECH 501: Introduction to Educational Technology

Good & Bad Writing

What makes good writing? Are there universal features of good writing that apply to all forms and fields of discourse? Is good writing in one field “bad” writing in another? Is good writing in the eye of the beholder and … Continue lendo

Publicado em Edtech501 | 2 comentários

Professional Development Models for Educators

Training is an outdated word in pedagogy because it recalls assembling lines and a factory model of education, as well as what we do with animals. However, we can question if the recent wave of developing skills and competencies in … Continue lendo

Publicado em Administração, EaD, Edtech501, Educação | 1 comentário

Digital Exclusion in Brazil – Open Letter

Some thoughts on Digital Exclusion in Brazil – read it on Google Docs.

Publicado em Edtech501, Educação | 3 comentários

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Review by Joao Mattar (in progress). Chapter 3: Writing Clearly and Concisely As English is not my native language, reading this chapter is at … Continue lendo

Publicado em Edtech501, Resenhas | 3 comentários

Educational Technology

Educational Technology is the research and practice field of the use of technological tools in education. It involves exploring the pedagogical potential of these tools and integrating them into education. It IS about technology in the same sense that it … Continue lendo

Publicado em Computação, Edtech501, Educação | Deixar um comentário

My first memory of an educational technology

If we consider that blackboard, chalk, pencil and paper are technologies, my first memory of an educational technology was at pre-school, when I was 5, or even before, at home. Taking into consideration a different concept of technology, I remember … Continue lendo

Publicado em Edtech501, Educação | Deixar um comentário

EDTECH 501: Introduction to Educational Technology

Começo hoje mais um curso na Boise State University: Introduction to Educational Technology, desta vez com a professora Barbara Schroeder, que tem Mike Fuller como Teaching Assistant. Como sempre, registrarei todo o percurso por aqui. Já criei inclusive uma categoria … Continue lendo

Publicado em EaD, Edtech501, Educação | 1 comentário