Estou agora cursando CS 162: Introduction to Computer Science II.
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C++ Programming no Wikibooks.
Bucky’s C++ Tutorials on Youtube (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
This series of videos are introduction level of C++ and easy to follow. He explains the concept with code examples.
Bucky’s C++ Tutorials Playlist
C++ Language Tutorial (Juan Soulié) – famoso tutorial de C++, tem também um fórum – tutoriais
An Introduction to the Imperative Part of C++ (Rob Miller, 1996, completado por outros) – aulas (escritas) e exercícios de um curso introdutório de Computação ministrado no Imperial College London
How to think like a computer scientist (Allen B. Downey, 2012) – livro licenciado com Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License